Club Council

Our club council aims to: make sure that our club is a safe and happy place for children; encourage all children in the club to raise concerns, suggest improvements, give ideas and help make decisions; make sure any ideas, suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon; and, provide all children with opportunities to develop skills that will be important throughout their lives.

Our club council members range from EYFS to Year 6 wo are responsible young people, elected by their peers, and includes a link member of staff who is the Club Council Coordinator. Once elected each member shall sit on the club council for one academic year.

Our club council was founded in September 2024 as a meaningful way in which children can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions that impact upon them.

Meet our 2024-25 Club Councillors










Club Council Work and Impact 2024-24

The club council will have the chance to discuss lots of different things. They will discuss priorities for the club to help our club’s leaders make good decisions that are in the best interests of everyone. They will also discuss areas they see as priorities and get the chance to share their ideas about how to make our club the best it can be.